Presentation of my life and who I am

Hi, my name is Sofia Loewe Yañez, but all call me Sofi. I born the 24th of December of 1995. I was a present of christmas to my parents, but not so much to my brothers. They say, in jest, that I stolen our mom in christmas. But they love me and I love them very much. My parents are called Marcelo and Maria Francisca, but she prefers only Francisca. I have four brothers. The first is a half brother,  because he was born from my father's first marriage. His name is Daniel. From the marriage of my parents, three brothers were born: David (my older brother), Benjamin and Bastian.

 My first years of life was quite problematic. The reason for that was that I had serious problems with my diet. I did'nt want to eat, because my stomach hurts and vomited what I ate. Over  time and with some help I managed to get ahead. My family, and friends close to my family, said that I was the happiest baby when I did not have to eat.. What saved me, was the  discovering the Ade juice. This is a juice that contains calcium, soy and others  nutritious components. Since them I drank it at all hours and I was improving my condition.

When that time has passed, I started to have my own tastes and preferences, influenced by the music, the art.  My family became my world. The music, the art and my family are just one, because all my relatives played and play some instruments and therefore the talent of music are in our blood. Since I was little, I always listened music. The pleasure for reading was an important factor in my personality. So much that I am currently able to read five books at the same time. I love to read because I feel that it takes me  to another world, to another reality. And also because it invites you to dream. The music is the more important think in this imaginative journey because, since it makes it more beautiful and incredible.

I  was in three different schools, before entering university. The first one, from prekindergarten to the seventh grade. The name of this school was Angel' s School. I left this school, because I did not feel to be welcomed in my class and because I had complications with my music classes. Then I arrived to the second school, called Athletic Study Center. This was a special school, because it has different class schedules, in the morning and in the afternoon, for the students that were dedicated to some sports, to the cinema and/or to the music. As a final evaluation, we gave free exams. In this school I attended the eight grade and first medium grade. Due to some problems in my grades, the quality of the education, I left this school and arrived to the last one and the best of the three. This school has the name Francisco Miranda. It was the best school, because the teachers were good, my class was fun and they never make me felt not welcome and all what I learned was interesting. My favorite class was language and history. In that school I finished the high school period of my education.

The talent of  music comes from my father's side. My great- grand parents came to Chile escaping from Nazi Germany. When they arrived here, my  grandfather went to Santiago and postulate for a place in the Symphonic Orchestra of Chile as english-horn (horn-anglais) player and later as a cellist. It was through that last audition, where he met my grandmother. She played the piano and the cello. She accompanied him on the piano in his audition when he applied for a cello position at the orchestra. Then they married and had two children: my aunt Evelyn and my dad Marcelo. My dad plays the viola and he also is physicist. Of my four brothers, the third and the fourth ones plays the violoncello and the violin, respectively. I play the piano and the violoncello. I started whit the piano first at the age of six and later with the cello at eight. For eleven years I dedicated myself to both, but when I finished school I decided to concentrate on the cello in order to study it professionally taking the piano as a hobby. I am in the third year of the career of interpretation of violoncello. My dream is to play in soundrakes of movies. The reason of this is because of the movies that I watched in my childhood like the Lion King, The Prince of Egypt and others.

I like to paint mandalas, as a therapy of relax and give them to my loved ones. For now, this is what I have to tell about me, but I will tell more in the future. I hope you liked it.

Hugs and kisses
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