Cats. Why are they so important to the society? Why we cant live without them?
Hi, everybody. Today as you can read I will talk about the importance of have a cat. Maybe not everyone feel as me, but if you dont like the cats it is for ridiculous and silly believes more than for real reasons. This reasons can be for example that the cats are not sociable, that they are indifferent to us, that they are unfriendly and many others stuff. But all them are lies. I say it because I have had cats, from mi childhood. In my house have lived like three generations of cats. All them was different, but also very loving. The last generation that it is living in the actuality are: Leya and Newton. Their parents were Gaspar and Fanny, and they had two others brothers. Their names were Luna and Kitty (the last one we gave her in adoption) But they (an exception of Kitty) died some years ago. The people think that only the dogs are qualifield to be a good company, but the cats also can be. Every time, when I feel alone or sad, they comfort with their purr. When they ask me caring or when they ask me that I picked up. They have a shinning tendernnes and sweetie that melt my heart everytime that I look at them. I cant explain with words, the feels that they produce in me. Forgett all that silly believes and give them a opportunnity.
Also, in the case that you dont believe me, there are studies that prove the cats are good for the health, in the case that you are not allergic to them. They reduce the stress, with their purr. That when the people saw videos of funny cats their nevels of stress go down. That the persons that have cats have less chances of have a heart attack and many others good stuffs. They make that your life is full of joy and that all days been goods and with light. Also the stories that they give to you, will be always in your heart and will make you laugh. In my case I never stop to surprise with them. They always, sorry for the repetitive always, are showing you a new face of their personality that will cause you joy, laught, happines, surprise and many other emotions.
If you want a tips o signal about if you cat loves you, here is your answer:
When they want to sleep with you and always slept with you it means that they like to be with you. They want to feel your warmth.
When they show their belly and allow that you touched it. This represents a show of confidence.
Presents. When they brought to you a present, like a mouse (live or death) or a lizard it means that they loved you so much. Although you may dont like so much this presents.
For example in my case, Leya my kitty. One time, she brought me a live mouse. I jumped of the bed of scary. The second time also brought me another mouse, but dead. Now she cant hunt, because her collar has ratlle. My other cat, Newton, it is a lovely and beautiful angel. He is so protective and always wants that we picked up. But, poor thing, he is so clumsy. He throw everything when he jumps from one side to another. One time he jumped to the food try and all the plates go down. He run very fast for the shock.
For all this reason to have a cat is the best and that you never will regret for the decision. I hope that this convince you and change your mind about the cats. I leave some photographs of my babies for you.
Goodbye to everyone. Please make coments. Bye
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